

Founded: December 1, 2012


Our goal, quite simply, is to ban fracking. To that end, we support federal, state and local efforts to ban fracking and to stop practices that facilitate fracking like natural gas exports, frac sand mining and the construction of pipelines.

The goal of the coalition is a ban on fracking. To that end, we support:

  • Federal, state, and local efforts to ban fracking
  • Federal, state, and local efforts to institute indefinite moratoriums on fracking
  • Federal, state, and local efforts to stop frac sand mining
  • Federal, state and local efforts to stop the development of infrastructure (pipes, export facilities, etc.) that facilitates fracking
  • A ban on the export of natural gas and oil produced through fracking

#AmericansAgainstFracking #BanFrackingNow #BanFracking