

Founded: Decemver 12, 2016

Phone: (951) 966-6500


Arturo Carmona is the Former National Deputy Political Director for Bernie Sanders’ Presidential campaign and has nearly a 20-year career dedicated to social justice and public policy on behalf of working families.

As Executive Director of Arturo played an instrumental role in challenging President Obama on his massive deportation policies, and as Executive Director and co-founder of the Counsel of Mexican Federations (COFEM) he helped professionalize one of the country’s largest and most effective immigrant self-help and civic engagement groups. Now he is running for Congress in Los Angeles' 34th Congressional District.


Throughout my nearly two-decade professional career, I have worked to advance progressive and principled public policies that benefit diverse communities in Los Angeles. Whether it was working in the state legislature, with a community organization, or in a national advocacy group, my focus has consistently been to advance a progressive issue agenda and more representative form of government. Cognizant of the intersectionality of the issues we seek to address, in the following sections I discuss in depth my stance on a variety of issues facing our nation and the 34th Congressional District.


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Our movement is not a new one. Many organizations and individuals have been laboring in the progressive movement for decades, and affecting real change in the community. We who call ourselves Berniecrats flooded into the progressive movement last year and brought with us our passion and our energy. While we didn’t see the outcome we hoped for in that race, we are still well-positioned (some might argue better-positioned) to upend the entire system, but in order to do that, we have to start winning.

The race for CD 34 is an important one for a few reasons. First, it is important because it covers Downtown Los Angeles, Boyle Heights, Eagle Rock, Chinatown, Little Tokyo, Westlake, and surrounding neighborhoods. It is the anchor Congressional District of our city and representative of many of our peoples and communities. Second, this race is important to our movement because it is important to the establishment. Centrist Democrats have controlled this seat for too long, and they want to keep it. The establishment wants to be able to point to this seat and claim that Los Angeles is represented by a progressive, because they don’t know or care what true progressivism looks like. They don’t know or care what it sounds like, feels like, tastes like, smells like. They have shown that they are not interested in speaking to or winning the votes of actual progressives.

There are a number of true progressives running for this seat. California for Progress has nothing negative to say about any of them, regardless of party. Frankly, our city would be well-represented by any of them, but only one of these candidates has a solid record of grassroots activism and organizing, a history of radical progressivism, and a real chance at winning the race for CD 34. That candidate is Arturo Carmona.

Before taking on the establishment Democrat in this race, Arturo served as the Latino(x) Outreach Coordinator for the Bernie Sanders campaign, and before that, Arturo was the executive director of, a Latino(x) advocacy group based in Los Angeles. In addition, he has also served as the founding executive director of the Council of Mexican Federations and worked for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

We would like to encourage you to explore Arturo’s standpoints on the issues that matter to you. Perhaps attend one of his many events around the city and have a conversation with him. If you like what you see and you realize how important it is that this seat go to a true progressive, please sign up to volunteer for the Carmona campaign today
