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Free the People Immigration March | Sanctuary for All


We the people of the United States of America live in one of the greatest countries the world has ever seen. A country that has been stained with the blood of it's natives, forged by the fire within the hearts of those who dared to speak truth to power, often at their own peril, and built on the backs of immigrants and slaves.

If you are not a descendant of the original people of this land you are a descendant of immigrants or slaves. These brave humans, the majority of which traveled to this country with nothing more than a dream, and for some a nightmare, went on to build what would become the most wealthy, powerful and progressive countries in all of history. All of which came at the heaviest cost.

Immigrants harvest our food, build our cities and fight in our military. They are our doctors, lawyers, scientists and executives. Immigrants are Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Sikh, every other faith in between, and many practice no religion at all. They are people of all skin colors and backgrounds. They are diverse. They are beautiful. 

Immigrants are the people who truly make this country great.

The current President of the United States has no mandate. He lost the popular vote by the largest margin in U.S. history and is now waging a war on the very population that he has taken an oath to serve.

It is for all these reasons that we must march. We must stand with those who are afraid and confused. We must love one another and resist the hatred that has overtaken our government. 

Rise up now, before it's too late. Never forget the lessons of history, otherwise we are doomed to repeat it.

Please join this event and share this event furiously with everyone you know and everywhere you can. Copy and paste this description in your own groups and network. Encourage your friends in other major cities to create or attend events to coincide with this one and let's make this a national march of solidarity.

#NoBanNoWall #NoMuslimBan

Some details for the event are still being hashed out. We will be updating the event page as more information is available.

We have finalized our route, sorry for the change, but we want to make sure this event is as accessible as possible for everyone.

Please see the pinned post for the route/rally point information.

More details coming soon. Stay tuned beautiful people.

Earlier Event: February 5
#NoDAPL #NoKXL March Los Angeles
Later Event: February 26